How much does it cost to maintain a WordPress site ?

Ingenius offers WordPress maintenance packages for your website to protect, optimize and support your website. How much should you expect to pay for such an operation?

WordPress site maintenance rates

WordPress maintenance is an important operation to ensure the longevity of your website. In order to budget for it, you need to be aware of the elements that determine its cost.

Maintenance prices and services Wordpress

Select your type of site below to get the right offers:




To have a follow-up and service at a low price




Perfect for beginners or for the most balanced pack




The pack to develop your business

Updating the system check check check
Updating extensions check check check
Performance optimisation check check check
Ultra powerful hosting dedicated to Wordpress check check check
Technical optimisations check check check
Automatic backups Daily Bi-day Every hour
Monthly Reports check check check
Enhanced security check check check
Modifications (texts, images, integrations) 30 minutes 3 hours 5 hours
Priority processing of applications check check
24-hour monitoring and immediate intervention if critical check check
Website translation check check
Performance monitoring and optimisation check

How is the maintenance the maintenance process?

Choose the package that suits you according to your needs or objectives

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Start of care. The maintenance of your Wordpress site is set up within 48 hours ☺

How much does it cost to maintain a WordPress site?

WordPress is the most used CMS in the world, thanks to its ease of use, its robustness and its natural referencing. Unfortunately, its increased performance makes it the target of attacks. To contain them, it is essential to keep your WordPress site up to date by adding and removing extensions, improving security and optimizing natural referencing. Ingenius offers to perform WordPress maintenance on your site to protect it. How much should you expect to pay for such an operation?

What are the benefits of maintaining a WordPress site?

After thecreation ofa WordPress website, you must take care ofthe most complex part: its maintenance. Indeed, a website must necessarily be updated and improved in order to obtain an optimal user experience for visitors. Whatever the nature of your business, you need to invest in WordPress maintenance to get great financial results.

Maintenance offers a multitude of benefits to the site, but also to the site owner who undertakes it.

Optimization of response time and user experience

The response time is the time taken by the server to satisfy a user's request. As for the user experience, it represents the user's feeling after browsing your WordPress site. With quality maintenance, you will significantly improve these two parameters that contribute to customer loyalty.

Improving the reputation of the site

WordPress maintenance involves producing new content and repairing broken links. These different tasks contribute to the satisfaction of the customer's requests, which gives them a good image of your site. In other words, maintaining your platform improves your online reputation.

Fixing bugs

Like all software, WordPress also has bugs. These bugs can completely crash your system or cause particular errors in your program. It is therefore important to patch your website to ensure that it is working properly. These patches are done through regular updates.


Investing in the maintenance of your WordPress site is not a foolish expense. It prevents errors, threats, and downtime that negatively affect the user experience. With frequent maintenance of your website, you will save money.

What is included in the cost of WordPress maintenance?

WordPress maintenance is an important operation to ensure the durability of your website. In order to foresee the budget necessary for its realization, you must necessarily know the elements which condition its price.

Accommodation costs

The web host is a service provider that provides a server and facilities to create and maintain your website. It significantly affects how your site handles traffic increases and requests from multiple connections. The plans offered by hosting companies are paid and suitable for all budgets. Depending on your preferences, you can go for shared hosting for €3 or dedicated servers for €100. Depending on your final choice, the cost of WordPress maintenance will be higher or lower.

The domain name

The domain name is another expense that you must plan for the maintenance of your website. For your information, the domain name is nothing more than the address of your website. The cost depends on the type of extension you select. However, you should know that it involves a monthly or annual fee. To ensure that your website is functional, you must renew the domain name.

As a rule, domain names cost between 2 euros and 20 euros per year. High-performance domains such as .com are the most expensive.

Security and backups

Whether your WordPress website is a blog, a storefront or an e-commerce site, you must necessarily invest in quality security and backup measures. According to a 2018 IBM study, the average global cost of a data breach is $3.86 million. As for recovering stolen records, it can cost up to $150 per record.

That's the beauty of investing in a premium security protocol. Depending on which option your WordPress maintenance specialist chooses, the cost of the operation can increase considerably.

Premium tools and extensions

Basic WordPress plugins are installed on your website at the time of its creation. To take advantage of your website's full potential, premium extensions are necessary. They offer additional functionality, support and regular updates. Despite the 55,000 free plugins offered by WordPress, you must use some paid extensions to successfully maintain your site.

The cost of visual enhancement

The visual appearance of a site is one of the strongest arguments to convince customers to take action. With a poorly organized and not very ergonomic platform, users are very quickly pushed towards the competition. However, the layout, videos, colors and images displayed on websites contribute to user loyalty. The WordPress maintenance of your platform is essential for its durability. Note, however, that it is done according to your requirements. If you wish, you can control the cost of maintenance by reducing the amount of visual enhancement.

The cost of updating content

The proper functioning of a website is closely linked to the content. If the articles posted on your platform participate in attracting customers, it will not always be so. In other words, you need to publish new content on the website and follow up on it to increase user engagement. To achieve your goal, WordPress maintenance is essential. There will be costs associated with it that will be included in the overall fee.

How much does it cost to maintain a WordPress site?

In addition to the above factors, the cost of WordPress maintenance depends on the service provider you hire. Find out without further ado how much it costs depending on the professional hired.

The rate with an internal web team

For complex WordPress websites, using an in-house team is a solution. Specialists maintain the site and add the necessary features for the proper use of the website.

The freelancing rate

Thespecialized freelancer is a provider who will improve the infrastructure of your WordPress site. He focuses on improving the WordPress software, creating new products, extensions and themes. His job is to create, customize and manage the platform and its features. To maintain your website, he will perform several operations, namely:

  • Analysis and debugging of the CMS code base;
  • Site map improvement;
  • Integration of extensions and custom themes

Freelancers usually charge by the hour but are less responsive. Depending on the difficulty of the task, you will have to pay fees between 20 euros and 50 euros per hour.

Web maintenance agencies

Webmaintenance companies are also a solution for maintaining your WordPress site. The cost charged by this type of agency depends on the size, type and nature of your platform. Maintenance companies offer contracts that include services such as:

  • Web design and development ;
  • Technical support;
  • Security monitoring;
  • Updating extensions, themes and premium tools;
  • Natural referencing ;
  • Real-time backup

A Wordpress website maintenance agency can charge from 50 euros to 450 euros per month.

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