13 reasons to add a blog to your e-commerce

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E-commerce is more than ever a profitable business. But in order to be perfectly profitable, it is necessary to combine it with the right tools. One of these tools is the blog. A blog is above all an interesting way to create real links with your audience. Thus, by adding a blog to your e-commerce, you will be able to easily grow your business and generate significant traffic. Moreover, your content will be appreciated by your prospects as well as by search engines. Discover in this article 13 essential reasons to add a blog to your e-commerce.

1. Give a human dimension to your e-commerce site

Blogging is the safest and most reliable way to talk about yourself without sounding pretentious or unpleasant. With a blog, you have the opportunity to talk about whatever topic interests you in the way you want. It will be a way for you to get your prospects and customers to discover a different side of you.

Generally, the creator of a business starts with an observation and then a need that he or she identifies in the market. He or she then begins to seek to meet this need. And it is from there that he or she launches into entrepreneurship. This entrepreneurial adventure fascinates and almost always interests Internet users. This is the time to share your experience as an entrepreneur with your community. It will also be an opportunity to reinforce their confidence in you and your services. Because you will highlight the specificities that make your company unique and set it apart from the competition.

The aim is to really remind your visitors that behind the screen is not only a professional, but also a human being who has a heart. Thanks to the blog, you can remind them of this on a daily basis, in order to establish a solid relationship with your customers. You just have to learn to choose the right words, so as not to appear presumptuous.

2. Improve the user experience

By adding a blog to your e-commerce, you will be able to promote your services and products even more. In addition, you can offer your users tips and advice that can help them to use your products or to see their importance. In addition, it would be very pleasant for users to find answers to all their concerns on your blog.

Blog posts will allow you to publish interactive user guides, tests, product comparisons for example. This will arouse the interest and excitement of your readers. They will be seduced by the experience they get through your blog and will be more inclined to buy the products you highlight. So remember that the information you share through your blog will add value to your readers.

3. Easily collect emails

The blog is the best way to encourage your customers to subscribe to your newsletter. And without them feeling obliged to do so. In fact, the main purpose of the newsletter is to reach your target audience even faster. And the counterpart they will get from subscribing is that they will be the very first to be informed of news about your services. They can therefore be informed systematically, when new articles are published, new services or products are launched, promotional offers, and much more.

So all you have to do is offer quality content, interesting, pleasant to read but above all useful, through your blog. In this way, your visitors and internet users will more easily subscribe to your newsletter. Because they will see that your content is different, informative and captivating! And at the same time, they will be able to come back to your site through the newsletter.

4. Generate even more feedback

So this is one of the biggest advantages of linking a blog to your e-commerce. As you know, feedbacks are a way to collect the returns and opinions of customers, in relation to the services you offer. Thanks to this compilation, you will be able to detect the insufficiencies related to your services, the bugs of the site, the bad ergonomics perhaps, etc. This is indeed an excellent way to develop your business. However, to be effective, feedback must be quick, daily, multi-directional and structured.

Therefore, with a blog, you will be able to increase interaction with your target audience in an incredible way and build strong relationships with them. To achieve this, you can encourage your readers to comment. For example, at the end of your articles, you can openly ask them for their experience with the topic or their opinion. This will make them feel even more involved.

However, in order for this exchange incentive to work well, you need to interact regularly with your readers. In other words, you need to keep the dialogue going. Of course, this will take time and effort, but in the long run you will be delighted to see how your efforts have paid off. Believe us, it's all real!

On the other hand, you should take the time to respond to all comments and concerns. Whether they are positive or negative, respond to them warmly and constructively. In case you get negative feedback, do not delete anything. This is a good way of showing that you are transparent and serious. You will then be able to learn from your feedback and take corrective action.

5. Become an expert and ensure the authority of your site

a young asian woman is filming herself in her living room with a tripod camera. she is holding shopping bags and presenting them to the camera. she is sitting on the floor in front of a beige sofa with yellow cushions. in the background, a decorated christmas tree can be seen.
You are the leading expert on a subject

The blog allows you to position yourself as an expert and to ensure the authority of your site. And at the same time, you will reinforce the credibility of your company. By writing articles and taking care to diversify your subjects, your visitors will be reassured that you master your field of activity in great detail.

You know, when a customer is in a shop, they feel better when they are guided by a salesperson. But in an e-commerce shop, it is not easy to establish the commercial relationship. This makes it difficult to gain the customer's trust. But through a blog post, you can advise, orient and guide your customers and visitors.

By developing themes related to your products, services, brand, field of activity, and employees, you are positioning yourself as an advisor and expert. You can even create podcasts to explain your subjects even better (to show how to use a product, for example). This way, once on your site, Internet users will not feel lost. You can also invite other external experts to add value through their skills.

The immediate consequence would be the consolidation of your readers' trust in your brand. So be creative and innovative and make your shop a unique space that addresses the concerns and needs of its customers and potential customers.

6. Generate backlinks naturally

The blog is indeed a sure way to generate links to your e-commerce site. You can therefore optimise your positioning among the first results in search engines. So, by proposing rich and informative content, you will naturally attract backlinks to your e-commerce site.

In other words, when your expertise is proven and known to the general public, other sites can easily mention your content on their sites. And this is really only possible with a blog.

7. Improve your natural referencing

One of the most important criteria for your site to be positioned among the first results on Google is to offer users quality content. But also these contents must bring them a real added value.

In reality, what pleases the Google algorithm is first of all to see that a site is ergonomic. But also that it allows its prospects to find answers to their questions quickly and easily. And most of the time, the Internet user has several questions. You will therefore understand that by offering structured, regular and very rich content, readers will always receive your information warmly. Whereas an e-commerce site alone will not be able to offer such content because the information is concise. Hence the need for a blog. This way you can gain visibility and increase your traffic (the number of visitors to your website).

8. Increase the visibility and e-reputation of your company

Not only will blogging allow you to establish your expertise, but it will also allow you to improve your reputation as an online business. In fact, the more you showcase yourself on the internet, the more you will make your e-commerce business known to internet users. Through your blog, you will be able to express your company's values, your vision, your missions and your know-how in a beautiful way.

In addition, by doing so, your Internet users will really know what distinguishes you from your competitors. They will have a clear and precise idea of what makes your services and products special and unique. In addition, you can link your social networks to your blog in order to create a solid network around your e-commerce.

So show your uniqueness to your prospects and stand out from the competition by associating a blog with your e-commerce. You should also try to publish articles one to four times a week in order to really make your business known.

9. Get leads and generate sales

In front of a macbook, a woman holds her bank card in one hand and chooses an item to buy on a website.
You increase your leads and your chance of making sales

Having a blog increases the number of visitors to your e-commerce site and improves your natural referencing. So when your visitors make a purchase, leave their details or take an action that serves your business interests, you can feel good about it. These are called "leads". A lead is a customer or visitor who has shown interest in a company's service or product. This also implies that such a person leaves their details with you by filling in a form.

Thus, after a query, when a user sees your blog among the results and browses it, it is an opportunity to direct them to a corresponding product sheet. A product sheet or a page in the category that is likely to meet their needs as closely as possible. By doing so, the chances of the user taking action (purchase or order) are very high.

You'll agree that the primary purpose of your blog is not to generate direct sales, but it contributes enormously. And that's only good for your business. So a blog can have a very high sales rate.

Let's take the example of an e-commerce site that sells shoes. On the blog of this site, an article explaining "how to customise old pairs" can generate new customers every day. Why is this? Because the content of such an article is both useful and of high quality. Moreover, at the end of this article, there is a link to a product category on the main site. Don't you think it is very likely that a satisfied visitor to this blog will take action on the site (leads or purchase)? Of course! This is precisely the interest of a blog for your e-commerce.

Also read: 6 reasons to use Google Ads to sell

10. Optimising the conversion rate

The conversion rate of an e-commerce is the number of sales made in relation to the number of visitors attracted (traffic) over a given period. The diversity of topics that your blog will cover will increase the number of gateways to your sites considerably.

It is therefore clear that the more new visitors you attract, the more your leads and sales will increase and the more your conversion rate will improve. And here we are talking about the conversion rate of both the blog and your sales site. Isn't that clever?

All you need to do is to put call to actions in your blog posts to redirect your readers. With the blog, you can implement a number of strategies that will boost your reputation and strengthen your e-reputation.

11. Building visitor and customer loyalty

3 young women sitting on a sofa, looking at their mobile phones and smiling with their mouths wide open.
Keep your readers loyal and enthusiastic in order to convert them

By writing regular articles, it's a bit like inviting your readers to a regular appointment. And this is one of the objectives of the blog. So, in order for these meetings to be as successful as you want them to be, you must try to publish your articles in a way that corresponds to the expectations of your visitors.

By publishing articles at irregular intervals or far too close together, you risk cutting off your readers' desire to read you. They will no longer look forward to your articles, as you will not have organised your blog properly. The consequence? Visitors will decrease and you will gradually lose notoriety, as you do not reassure them.

This is why it is important to find the right rhythm when you have a blog. By doing so, your readers and visitors will be motivated and will always respond to all the proposed appointments. They will always be excited to read a new article. This way you can keep them loyal and continue to offer them good content associated with your unique products. So remember: getting new visitors and customers is important, but keeping them is even more important.

12. Adding "punch" and "dynamism" to your e-commerce

It's always nice to read an informative blog post and enjoy an ergonomic page with a clean, structured and attractive design. The blog allows you to immerse your visitors in your world, through a variety of themes. It is a way to break the monotony that a site can present. And this is even more relevant when your commercial activity does not often require catalogue updates. This lack of dynamism in your e-commerce risks lowering your results and sending a bad image, both to users and to search engines.

In this case, you need to find a strategy to revitalise your e-commerce and your site. To do this, there is nothing better than a blog. It brings dynamism and freshness to your business activities. With regularly published articles, more visitors and improved sales, your e-commerce site will be revitalised! Besides, there's nothing better to get in the good graces of the Google algorithm.

13. Bridge the gap between your e-commerce site and your social networks

This is one of the biggest advantages of associating a blog with your e-commerce. Today, social networks are essential to make your company or brand known to everyone. The networks must absolutely be taken into account in the advertising strategies. You must therefore make the most of the vast audience that social networks offer.

You can use the content on your e-commerce blog to grow your audience on your other digital channels. You might think that managing a blog in addition to your social networks, website and newsletter would be tedious. But not at all! With a blog, you can actually improve your performance and productivity.

Thus, you can easily use the contents of your articles, in particular :

  • to illustrate your product pages;
  • in your series of posts on your social networks: less articles to write on your social network pages and an incredible saving of time;
  • in your newsletter, on a regular basis;
  • and even in the "Help" section of your e-commerce site, if you have one.

However, you need to write relevant and interesting articles so that your users can share the content of your blog on social networks themselves.

Add a blog to your e-commerce

In summary, adding a blog to your e-commerce is the best way to increase your visibility on the web, to prove your expertise and to attract even more visitors. Over time, you will be able to increase your sales and your conversion rate. In addition, your e-commerce blog can be used as a product page, content for your social media posts and a newsletter. So don't wait any longer and take action. Revitalise your e-commerce with a blog.

So did you like the reasons listed above? Are you now convinced that you should add a blog to your e-commerce? Tell us all about it in the comments.

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