Solve a 500 Wordpress error

Discover the most common causes of the 500 Wordpress error, its consequences on SEO and user experience.
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Error 500 is an HTTP error code that means the server cannot process the request due to an internal problem. It is a generic error message that can be caused by many different factors, ranging from PHP configuration issues to database issues to plugin or theme issues.

Welcome to the world of WordPress troubleshooting. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the most common causes of 500 errors and give you concrete steps to resolve them. We'll also cover future preventions to avoid them in the future. If you're a site administrator who has ever faced this frustrating error or want to learn more about how to keep a WordPress site healthy, you've come to the right place. So sit back, grab a coffee and read on for some practical solutions to your 500 errors.

Importance of resolving the 500 error

When a user encounters a 500 error on a Wordpress site, it can mean that the site is temporarily unavailable. It can also cause SEO issues and negatively affect the user experience. It is therefore important to understand the most common causes and how to resolve it quickly and effectively.

A representation of the 500 Wordpress error with a drawing of a webmaster entering his computer on an orange background
Error 500 is the bane of every Wordpress site manager. Learn the causes and solutions!

Long-term consequences of 500 errors on SEO and users

Impact on referencing

When a WordPress has frequent 500 errors, it can lead to lower search rankings and a loss of trust with search engines. Search algorithms place a high value on user experience, and frequent unavailability of a site can be seen as a sign of poor quality, which can reduce its visibility in search results and lead to a drop in traffic.

Impact on the user experience

For businesses that use WordPress to showcase their product or service online, these errors can lead to a loss of visibility with their target audience. Users who cannot access a site due to500 errors may not know a business exists or be able to find the information they are looking for. This can lead to fewer conversions and therefore lost revenue for the business.

a person browsing on his mobile and testing the user experience of a wordpress by buying on an e-commerce
The 500 error is obviously unacceptable if you want to guarantee a smooth user experience on a Wordpress

These errors can interrupt a visitor's navigation of the site, which can frustrate them and cause them to leave the site. This can also lead to a decrease in user loyalty, as they may not want to return to the site if they have encountered 500 errors in the past. In the case of an e-commerce, a customer who has placed an order, regardless of the amount, and is unable to access it, is more likely to open a dispute with Paypal, Stripe or another payment provider.

The different types of errors 500 

Error 500 Standard

Thestandard 500 error is the most common error message associated with an internal problem. It can be caused by a number of factors, including faulty Wordpress plugins, server configuration issues or coding errors in the theme.

Error 501 Not Implemented

The501 Not Implemented error occurs when a request made by a client to the server is not recognized or supported by it. This may be due to an unsupported HTTP method or a misconfigured Wordpress plugin.

Error 502 Bad Gateway

The502 Bad Gateway error occurs when the intermediate server receives an incorrect or unexpected response from a remote server. This may be due to traffic congestion or a communication error between the servers.

Error 503 Service Unavailable

Error 503 Service Unavailable occurs when the server is temporarily unavailable to make requests due to maintenance or system overload.

Error 504 Gateway Timeout

The504 Gateway Timeout error occurs when the intermediate server fails to get a timely response from a remote server. This error can also be caused by traffic congestion or a communication error between the servers.

The most common causes of Wordpress 500 errors

The word "cause" in wooden letters to represent the causes of an error 500
The causes of the 500 error on Wordpress can be numerous and are often interconnected

Server problems

Incorrect PHP configuration

Incorrect configuration of PHP can result in a 500 error on your Wordpress. This can be due to PHP settings such as memory limit, runtime settings andother settings that are misconfigured for the site in question.

Insufficient memory limit

When Wp cannot access the amount of memory needed to perform a task, a 500 error may occur.

Plugin problems

Conflicts between plugins

When two plugins are not compatible or interfere with each other, it can lead to 500 errors on the site.

Compatibility issues with WordPress

It is important to regularly check your plugins for updates and update them if necessary to avoid this type oferror.

Theme problems

Corrupted or missing files

Check your theme files regularly and replace or repair them if necessary.

Conflicts with plugins

Check regularly the compatibility of your theme with the plugins you use.

Database problems

Data Corruptions

500 errors can often be caused by data corruption in your database. This can happen when data is accidentally deleted, corrupted or modified.

Connectivity problems with the database

500 errors can also occur when there are connectivity issues with your database. For example, if your database connection information is incorrect or your database host is down, this can result in significant errors.

Please note that all of these common causes are often interconnected and can be difficult to diagnose without a thorough analysis of your WordPress site beforehand if you are not already covered by a WordPress maintenance package. That's why it's important to understand how to determine the cause of a 500 error.

Guide to determine the cause of a 500 error and solve it

A Wordpress developer who is satisfied in front of his computer because he found the cause of his error 500
Finding the cause of your error 500 does not mean that another deeper cause is not involved

Check server log files

  • Access the server log via FTP or the hosting control panel
  • Look for entries that match the500 error
  • Analyze these entries to find the cause of the error

Temporarily disable plugins

  • Access theWordPress administration interface
  • Go to " Extensions " and disable all plugins
  • Check if the 500 error is still present
  • If this is not the case, activate the plugins one by one to determine which one is at fault

Switch to a default theme

  • Go to "Appearance" and select a default theme (like "Twenty Twenty-One")
  • Check if the 500 error is still present. 
  • If this is not the case, it is likely that the theme was the cause of the error

Check the database settings

  • Go to the database management section of the hosting
  • Check the database connection information to ensure that it is correct
  • Check if the database is corrupted using a database repair tool
  • If the database is corrupted, repair it or ask for help from an experienced developer.

Increase PHP memory limit

  • Go to the file wp-config.php
  • Add the following line: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
  • Save the changes and reload the page

Update plugins and theme

  • Access the Wordpress administration interface
  • Click on the " Plugins" tab 
  • Select the plugins to be updated and click on the "Update" button
  • Go to the "Appearance" tab and click on "Themes
  • Click on the "Update" button to update the current theme

Repair the database

  • Access the phpMyAdmin dashboard
  • Select the database associated with Wordpress
  • Click on the "Operations" tab
  • In the "Repair Table" section, check the "Repair Table" box
  • Click on the "Run" button to start the repair

Restore a backup

  • Access the backup management interface (regardless of the tool)
  • Select the backup to restore
  • Depending on the tool you choose, click on the "Restore" button to start the restoration
  • Wait for the restoration to finish and check if the problem is solved

Contact your host's technical support

  • Log in to your hosting account
  • Go to the "Support" or "Assistance" section
  • Open a support ticket and describe the problem
  • Wait for technical support to respond

Tips on how to prevent 500 errors in the future.

A web developer who gives advice on 500 wordpress errors
There are routines and checks to be performed regularly to try to avoid server errors

Regularly update software and plugins

It is important to keep your WordPress up to date with the latest versions of its themes and plugins. Updates often fix issues and vulnerabilities that can cause 500 errors.

Backup the site regularly

Regularly backing up your WordPress can help you easily restore a working version in case of a malfunction. It's a good idea to make regular backups and store them off-site for maximum protection.

Limit the use of plugins

Although plugins are very useful to extend the functionality of your site, overuse can lead to conflicts between them and cause 500 errors, so it is important to limit the number of plugins installed and deactivate or remove those that are no longer used.

Optimize PHP memory

Insufficient PHP memory can lead to errors. It is therefore important to check the PHP memory limit of your site and to increase this limit if necessary by modifying the wp-config.php file.

Debugging errors

If you encounter a 500 error, it is important to debug it to determine the underlying cause. You can enable error logging in WordPress to learn more about the errors that occur on your site.

Contact Technical Support

If you are facing 500 recurring errors and if you don't have a Wordpress support servicesupport, your problem could get worse and worse until your system is completely inoperable. It is always better to contact a Wordpress expert technical support expert who can help you solve the situation quickly and efficiently.

3 wooden blocks stacked with "ask an expert" written on them
When your teeth hurt you don't fix it yourself, it's the same when it comes to the web, delegate!

In conclusion, how to solve a 500 Wordpress error and prevent it?

In this guide, we have discussed the most common causes of 500 errors on Wordpress. We also looked at the different steps to determine the cause of an error and the resolution methodologies for each cause. Steps include checking server log files, temporarily disabling plugins, switching to a default theme, checking database settings, and, as a last resort, restoring a backup.

Importance of regular maintenance of the Wordpress site

It is also important to maintain your Wordpress site regularly to avoid 500 errors (and all other errors..). This includes regularly updating your plugins, your theme and your database. It is also wise to take regular backups to be able to quickly restore your site in case of a problem or to call a Wordpress support support who will do it for you.

Future error prevention 500

Finally, to prevent 500 errors in the future, it's important to pay attention to new plugin or theme additions and test them carefully to avoid potential conflicts. Additionally, it's essential to make sure your server settings are configured correctly to avoid memory issues. By following these steps, you can minimize the risk of 500 errors on your Wordpress site.

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