Become a Wordpress Freelancer

You are a developer specialized in Wordpress and you start your own business? Discover our analysis of the pros & cons of the profession!
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Being self-employed is a dream for many people looking for greater financial and professional freedom. And for web developers specializing in Wordpress, this dream can become a reality by starting their own business. But before making this decision, it's important to understand the challenges and benefits of this career. In this article, we'll explore the skills needed to become a Wordpress freelancer, how to develop them, how to find clients and tips for succeeding as a freelancer in this field.

What is a Wordpress freelancer?

A Wordpress freelancer is a freelance developer who specializes in the CMS of the same name and does not have a long-term contract with a particular employer. They are often hired for one-off assignments such as website design projects, theme customization and plugin development. They are often less expensive than big agencies, sometimes for the same skills, and if you ask yourself the question "what is the price to create a professional website in 2023?", you quickly understand that using "smaller hands" is the best compromise for the client's pocket.

A Wordpress freelancer working on his computer sitting on a chair wearing a red shirt and underpants with white spots
The Wordpress freelance lifestyle attracts a variety of profiles. But is it as easy as you think?

Why do we want to become one?

Why can becoming a freelancer be an interesting career? For many reasons! First of all, they can work from anywhere in the world, which is particularly attractive for those looking for greater flexibility and an improved quality of life. They can choose their projects and clients, ideal for working on projects they are passionate about and especially working with clients they enjoy working with. Add to this the fact that working for themselves allows them to enjoy greater financial freedom, without being limited by a fixed salary; definitely the benefits are legion!

Is it an easy job?

While becoming a freelancer may seem like an ideal career, understand that it's not always easy. Despite its many benefits, the job also comes with challenges that can make your life difficult. Some of these challenges include time management, finding clients on a regular basis, negotiating prices, being responsible for all business-related tasks (including billing, accounting, managing finances, etc.) and the pressure to produce consistent quality work.

It's not the Wordpress development skills that make the job difficult, but rather the challenges of running a freelance business. Freelancers need to be able to effectively manage their time and business to be successful, which can be difficult without prior training in business management or personal development.

Along the way, they may also face loneliness and lack of financial stability, as they lack the benefits of full-time employment such as paid time off and job security. However, for those who are willing to take on these challenges and work hard to build a career as a freelancer rather than seeking security with a job in a Wordpress agencyagency, the profession can offer great rewards in terms of financial freedom, flexibility and control over their career.

The skills needed for the profession 

Technical skills

To become a Wordpress freelancer, it is important to have a solid background in web development, as well as a thorough understanding of Wp. Development knowledge includes understanding different programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, as well as the ability to work with databases and develop websites from scratch.

A wordpress freelancer working on his computer from home
The technical skills of the trade are necessarily essential to deliver quality work

When it comes to Wordpress in particular, freelancers need to have a thorough knowledge of the different plugins and themes available and how to use them to create customized and powerful sites. They should also be able to customize Wordpress sites according to the specific needs of the clients.

Additional skills 

In addition to technical skills, freelancers need to develop business management skills to effectively manage their projects, ensuring that they are delivered on time. Marketing and sales knowledge is also crucial to be able to promote their services and convince potential clients to hire them.

They also need to develop communication skills to work with their clients and resolve issues that may arise along the way. Problem-solving skills are also important to manage difficulties that may arise during project completion.

Simply put, when work and life are so intertwined, it is important to develop strong self-management skills to manage your time, work and environment effectively. This includes the ability to set goals, prioritize tasks and manage deadlines

What if you don't have all the skills of a freelancer?

In order to deliver quality work to your clients and stick to what you have sold them, it is obviously important to have a minimum skill base. However, even if you don't have them all at this point, nothing is set in stone. There are many ways to develop your skills to become a competent Wp freelancer.

A performance that shows a man walking the line of his freelancing career and having to change to get to the next level
Learning speed is key to progressing on the freelancing path

Technical skills

Online training is a popular option for developers looking to improve their Wordpress knowledge. There are many free and paid online resources available for training in specific skills, such as site creation or plugin development.

Mentors can also be a great way to develop your skills. Finding an experienced mentor can help you understand the nuances of the profession and receive guidance on how to improve your practice.

Personal projects can be a great way to develop your skills. This can include creating websites for friends or family members, participating in open source projects, or creating custom plugins or themes. Side-projects can help you learn about code and tools, develop your creativity and improve your portfolio.

Personal development

The "dev perso", also known as personal development, is also an important way to develop important skills such as effective communication, time management and problem solving. Much like becoming a digital nomad, all of these important areas can be improved by working on oneself and engaging in activities such as reading books on these topics, participating in discussion groups or in-person seminars. Personal development can help build self-confidence and the ability to manage stress, which can be especially helpful for freelancers working in a fast-paced environment. By investing time and effort in their own development, a Wordpress freelancer can become increasingly competent and successful in their work as well as in their personal lives.

How to find customers?

A Wordpress freelancer keeps a lead notebook with a client search strategy scribbled on it
Leads are the lifeblood of the business and you'll have to fight on several channels to find yours

Create a professional website

A professional Wordpress website is an effective way to showcase your abilities and work as a freelance Wordpress developer. It serves as a showcase for your skills and can help attract the attention of potential clients. Invest in creating a consultant website that presents your portfolio in an attractive and compelling way.

Promote your website or sales page

Simply having a website or Linkedin profile is not enough to attract customers. To get your business known, it is important to know how to promote them properly using online means such as SEO to improve your ranking in search results on targeted queries as well as online advertising to reach a wider target audience. 

Word of mouth

Word of mouth can be an important source of new clients for a freelance developer. For this to work, it is important to deliver quality work to your first clients in order to receive positive feedback and recommendations from them. 

Use freelance job boards and participate in online forums

Finding freelance clients using job boards and participating in online forums can be a way to stumble upon work opportunities, but it can be tedious and time consuming. It's important to find the right balance between participating in these activities and allocating time and investment to other means of growth.

The homepage of the freelancing site "Malt
Marketplaces like Malt can be a good place to start acquiring your first leads

Participate in online and offline developer events

Attending online and offline developer events can be an effective way to meet other developers and expand your professional network. It can give you the opportunity to meet potential clients, discuss your work and skills, and gain exposure in the Wordpress development community. 

Ingenius pro-tips for success as a Wordpress freelancer

To succeed as a Wordpress freelancer, it's important to master project management, client communication and competitive pricing. Here are some tips to help you succeed in this area:

  • Project management: Organize your work and plan your tasks accurately to avoid delays and errors. Use project management tools to track deadlines and tasks, and to stay in communication with your team and clients.
  • Communication with clients: Be clear and precise in your communications to avoid misunderstandings. Listen carefully to their requests and needs, and work closely with them to achieve their goals.
  • Set competitive prices: Set prices that reflect the value of your work, but remain competitive with other freelancers in your market. Consider living costs, project time, and task complexity when calculating your rates.
  • Expand your network: Attend professional events and connect with other freelance developers. These kinds of connections can help you find work opportunities and exchange tips and advice to improve your career.
  • Stay up to date: Stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in Wordpress development. Participate in online trainings, read blogs and articles to keep up to date with industry developments.
A happy Wordpress freelancer sitting on a windowsill while working on her laptop
Freelancing on Wordpress is still the way to a more independent life if you give yourself the means

In conclusion, is it a good idea to become a Wordpress freelancer?

In conclusion, becoming a freelancer can be an exciting and lucrative career for CMS developers. Freelancers can enjoy greater financial freedom, the flexibility to choose their projects and clients, as well as an improved quality of life.

However, the job also comes with deeper challenges such as regularly finding clients and being responsible for all business-related tasks. Self-employed individuals must also be able to effectively manage their time and business to be successful. The skills needed include a strong development background, a thorough understanding of Wordpress, and business management skills.
We love to hear opinions and stories from our readers, so if you have any other tips for becoming a Wordpress freelancer or would like to share why you would like to (or have wanted to) become a Wp freelance developer, feel free to leave a comment below.

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